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REVIEW: Mobile Studio Pro 16

Hey Guys,

I just recently got my hands on the Wacom Mobile Studio Pro and thought I will share my experience with you. Following the Companion 2 it's Wacom latest pen tablet running Windows 10. Even though coming from Mac the step to the competitors OS wasn't too extraordinary and I now feel quite comfortable with it. Drawing feels just like on your favorite #Cintiq and Wacom does in my opinion still the best job when it

comes to drawing digitally. ⠀ A big plus for me is just the simple fact that you'll see the mouse moving even though your pen isn't touching the screen yet, giving you some extra precision compared to some of the competitors. The parallax which is the distance between the glas of the screen and the actual display is rarely noticeable and didn't bother me. Also palm rejection worked pretty well. Some minor issues which occurred to me was mainly on the design of the device. In my opinion the corners are quite clumsy resolved (seen on the last picture). Also the frame of the display got a weird edge to follow the aluminum outer frame which bends inwards. Furthermore there's only USB-C ports and one Card Reader which is quite annoying since USB-C-Sticks aren't prevalent (yet). Lastly talking about the 16 inch screen, I am missing on the brightness and also the vibrant colors of my MacBook a little bit. I hope I was able to help the guys interested in this device... ⠀⠀ PS: there is no bag for this anywhere to find... ⠀

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